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Culture Investment Options.

As a founder or owner, you know culture is key to performance. Yet, many SMEs struggle with understanding, defining, and aligning their culture to drive real business results.

Our 3 cost-effective and actionable culture solutions are designed to meet you where you are, whether you're just starting out or ready to make changes. Accessible, affordable, and built for action, our offers provide the perfect fit for any level of commitment.
Team meeting

Culture Capture

What It Includes:

  • Initial Meeting: Understand your current culture and challenges.

  • 5 Cultures of Culture Assessment (5CCA): A 40-question survey across the business to identify cultural strengths and gaps.

  • Half-Day Workshop: Debriefing results and identifying improvements opportunities.

What You Get:

  • Culture Report: A 52-page report outlining cultural strengths and weaknesses by department and role.

  • Improvement Opportunities: A list of actionable recommendations to address issues like low engagement and high turnover.


Clear Culture Insight: A specific understanding of cultural issues impacting your business, and opportunities ready for actioning.

Meetup Event

Culture Catalyst

What It Includes:

Everything in Culture Capture plus:


  • Senior Leadership Meeting: Align leadership on culture goals

  • Cultural Transformation Readiness Assessment (CTRA-40) for Leadership team only: A 40-question survey to assess readiness for cultural change.

  • One-Day Workshop: Turning assessment insights into actions.

What You Get:

  • CTRA-40 Report: A clear report on your business’s readiness for cultural change.

  • Mission, Values, and Code of Conduct: Creation or refinement of your company’s mission, values, and a code of conduct that aligns team behaviour with these desired values.


  • Aligned Leadership: A clear mission and values statement to guide the team and improve engagement.

  • Consistent Behaviour: A code of conduct that reduces issues like conflict or high turnover and absenteeism/presenteeism.

Audience and Lecturer

Culture Catapult

What It Includes:


Everything in Culture Catalyst plus:


  • Leadership Assessment: Your leadership team takes the Mattone Leadership Enneagram Inventory (MLEI®), taken by leaders like Steve Jobs.

  • Two-Day Workshop: Creation of an actionable step-by-step plan for cultural transformation.

What You Get:


  • Culture Change Plan: 

    • Expense Management: Recognition program to reduce turnover.

    • Human Capital Efficiency: Tailored L&D program for new leaders.

    • Employee Assistance Program (EAP): Support for employee well-being.

    • Revenue Enhancement: An incentive plan to boost employee motivation and improve customer experience.



  • Culture Transformation: A clear plan to improve employee performance, reduce costs, and increase revenue.

  • Stronger Leadership and Support: Enhanced leadership skills and employee well-being, boosting morale and productivity.

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